[OS X TeX] MacTeX-2008

Dr. Clea F. Rees cfrees at imapmail.org
Thu Sep 4 20:13:15 EDT 2008

On 04/09/08, you seem to have written:

> On Sep 4, 2008, at 5:03 PM, Dr. Clea F. Rees wrote:
>> My custom install went very smoothly with the MacTeX installer.
>> I wanted to install the TeX Live Manager and I used the package from
>> /Applications/TeX/Utilities/TeX\ Live\ Manager to attempt this. This
>> did not go quite as I expected. The binaries were correctly installed
>> in /usr/local/bin as far as I can tell, but other items appeared in
>> /Library/Perl:
>> 	Tie-temp/
>> 	Tk-auto-temp/
>> 	Tk.pm-temp
>> 	Tk-auto-PPC-temp/
>> 	Tk-temp/
>> 	Tk.pod-temp
>> 	fix_4_os2.pl
> The tlmgr is already installed as a Command Line Tool with MaCTeX. The extra 
> install is so that you can use tlmgr in its GUI mode for X11.

Yep. I should have said the GUI interface.

> If you have OS 
> X 10.5 you already have X11 installed so you can try
> sudo tlmgr -gui
> to play with the GUI version. You only need the `sudo' if you plan to install 
> any updates. Right now there aren't any updates to install.

Well I'm on 10.4 but X11 is not a problem. It starts at login.

But the installation has gone wrong and I'm not sure what to do. At
present, my older version of Perl/Tk is installed but I also have the
temporary files listed above in /Library/Perl. (Note: not in
subdirectories of /Library/Perl.)

The postflight script made me think that maybe this was intended if an
existing installation of Perl/Tk was found but that doesn't seem to be
the case because other people with existing installations are not
seeing this behaviour.

So, for example, I have:
and cpan reports the installed version of Perl/Tk as 804.027 whereas
the packaged version is 804.028.

I am assuming this is not the intended outcome but I'm not sure how
best to proceed from here.


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