[OS X TeX] line-endings; Was: wrapping in TeXShop

Alain Schremmer schremmer.alain at gmail.com
Thu Jan 1 11:33:59 EST 2009

On Jan 1, 2009, at 9:54 AM, David B. Thompson, Ph.D., P.E., D.WRE,  
CFM wrote:

> So, I cut and paste the text, fix the problems (because Word  
> insists on using curly quotes and such)

Dim memories from WordHell seem to say that you can tell Word not to  

> , and typeset equations.
> my favorite bounces back and forth between BBEdit and Textmate --  
> hoping to avoid starting an editor-war :)

While I am not about to switch from TeXShop for any number of  
reasons, I , for one, would welcome an editor-war just to see what  
BBEdit/TextWrangler and Textmate really ARE. In fact, I am fiddling  
with the idea of learning a bit of Python to embed it in LaTeX and  
the first thing I ran into was what editor to use. This brings me  
back to a few years ago when I started on LaTeX and had no idea what  
to do.
> While my comment isn't meant as a slam to TeXShop, which I used for  
> years, I find myself reverting to a text editor (currently  
> Textmate) for writing LaTeX source, then either using the built-in  
> facility to render the source or the command line to execute  
> commands. I am currently using Skim as my viewer.

For me, terminal is out. But, still, I am curious as to why use  
Textmate + Skim as opposed to, say, TexShop. Etc. No reason why not  
have a civilized war.
> There isn't anything wrong with TeXShop. I just wanted more text- 
> editor features than were available in that package.

Such as?

But, should the war be started, it should of course be on a new thread.


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