[OS X TeX] line-endings; Was: wrapping in TeXShop

David B. Thompson, Ph.D., P.E., D.WRE, CFM drdbthompson at gmail.com
Thu Jan 1 11:23:15 EST 2009

On Jan 1, 2009, at 07:37 , M. Tamer Özsu wrote:

> Thank you David. At this stage, I am not sure about my prospects in  
> forcing a change in the behavior of the co-authors since I am  
> definitely in the minority in using a Mac (or any version of Unix).

I understand the frustration completely! I thought I might attract one  
more of the team members to come to the dark side, where the true  
power is, but have been unsuccessful. My experience is what lead to my  
suggestion that your coauthors might look at PFE to make the line- 
ending changes (and perhaps hard-wraps too). I just checked the 'net,  
and the site is http://www.lancs.ac.uk/staff/steveb/cpaap/pfe/. The  
program is no longer supported, but I know it's still used. You  
shouldn't have to carry all the water!

Nonetheless, all the best on this endeavor. Collaborative projects are  
always challenging and I'm still trying to work out the best way to  
handle them. I'm thinking that a subversion repository for shared  
LaTeX source is looking better all the time. It would make versioning  
nearly trivial and provide an off-site storage location should the  
worst possible case occur. But, that's another thread. :)

Good luck!


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