[OS X TeX] OgreKit does not reactivate the file it just worked on

Daniel Becker daniel.becker at uni-rostock.de
Fri Jan 9 18:38:08 EST 2009

Am 10.01.2009 um 00:13 schrieb Alain Schremmer:

> So, I will follow Gerhardt's advice and—in fact—yours and will get  
> TextWrangler out of the trash.

This is really a good idea. TextWrangler is really very powerfull and  
most things - like search&replace in one file or a folder with files  
or whatever - work with menus and buttons and the mouse. I use it when  
TexShop doesn't offer anything necessary. And - in case you need it -  
it offers very powerfull features like scriptability an easy-to-use  
tool to compare files etc.

No commandline necessary.

Good luck!


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