[OS X TeX] asymptote

Richard Koch koch at math.uoregon.edu
Thu Jan 29 20:16:56 EST 2009


There is a hidden preference in TeXShop which allows you to tell  
TeXShop that certain additional extensions, like .asy, should be  
treated as TeX files. This means that the Typeset button will be  
active and syntax coloring will be applied.

The Preference is called OtherTeXExtensions and it accepts an array  

This preference may not even be mentioned in the TeXShop Help system.

To use this preference, type

	defaults write TeXShop OtherTeXExtensions --array-add "asy"

When you create a file for the first time, TeXShop usually adds  
the .tex extension. But if you rename the file in Terminal so it has  
an asy extension, then TeXShop will use that extension if you open the  
file and then save it. So with this little caveat for starting new  
files, the hidden preference should allow you to solve your asymptote  

Dick Koch

On Jan 29, 2009, at 12:20 AM, Sylvain CHAMBON wrote:

> hello !
> i know it's possible to produce a pdf file from a tex file with asy  
> code in it but
> is it possible to produce a pdf file directly from an asy file in  
> texshop ?
> i tried to use this engine :
> #!/bin/sh
> location=$(dirname "$1")
> basefname="${location}/`basename "$1" .asy`"
> # process
> cd $location
> asy -f pdf -noprc -render=0 "${basefname}.asy"
> but, even it's in the list of engines, the 'typeset' button is not  
> available. it's like texshop does not recognize/manage asy files...
> thank you for your answers...
> sylvain
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