[OS X TeX] tex4ht and biblatex

Matthias Damm mad at nefkom.net
Fri Jan 30 16:33:07 EST 2009

Am 30.01.2009 um 10:44 schrieb Peter Dyballa:

>> if anybody knows a way to completely
>> eliminate the need for Word when preparing a paper, say, for a
>> recipient who will accept no other format
> What about RTF? Or HTML – I think MS Word can import this.

That's correct, but the tex4ht -> HTML -> Word conversion has several  
problems, the biggest one (IMHO) being that footnotes do not appear as  
real Word footnotes but as endnotes with hyperlinks between footnote  
number and footnote.

The tex4ht -> OpenOffice [-> Word] conversion works much better.

Best regards,

Matthias Damm -- mad at macpla.net -- Jetzt neu: http://www.macpla.net
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