Re: Rép : [OS X TeX] tkz-tab (Was: Missing $ inserted in a "variations" environment)

Axel E. Retif axel.retif at
Tue Mar 17 02:57:54 EDT 2009

On  16 Mar, 2009, at 17:32, Alain Schremmer wrote:

> On Mar 16, 2009, at 7:05 PM, Alain Matthes wrote:
>> Le lundi16mars2009 à 11:42PM, "Alain Schremmer" <schremmer.alain at 
>> > a écrit :


>>> 	! Package pgfkeys Error: I do not know the key '/tikz/decoration'
>>> and I am goin
>> [...]
>> it's because you don't use
>> \usetikzlibrary{decorations.pathreplacing}
>> with tkz-tab I use  : \usetikzlibrary{arrows,patterns}   but with  
>> the sign-diagram example I put a big brace above the table and I  
>> need the decoration library to make this
> It all begins to make sense.

TikZ is indeed a wonderful system (we can no longer call it a package  
---many packages, like several from Matthes and pgfplot, are built on  
TikZ). It's really worth learning it.

Now ---what I do, and it might seem foolish to some, is copy all the  
list of \usetikzlibrary from the TikZ manual (pgfmanual-en-main.tex)  
into a separate tex file, which I input in the file I'm going to make  
graphic (so I don't have to worry about including the libraries I need  
for each graphic).

That is, I do not make the TikZ graphics in the book I'm working on,  
but in separate files and include the PDFs in the book, as normal  
graphics. I even have a TeXShop template:

\synctex=0%                   <- you don't need syncTeX for a graphic
\documentclass[10pt]{beamer}% <- for me, the best
\let\digamma\undefined%       <- beamer collides with amsmath
\input{preambTikZ}%           <- all TikZ libraries, amsmath, fonts,  

\usepackage[active,floats,tightpage]{preview}% <- with these two you get
\PreviewEnvironment{tikzpicture}%                 a nice bounding box
\setlength\PreviewBorder{-0.25pt}% <- you have to modify this, or
                                  %    it might chop your graphic
\renewcommand\pgfsetarrowoptions{direction ee}{0.2pt}% <- obviously,  
\begin{tikzpicture}[circuit ee,x=1pc,y=1pc,%         % are for my  
needs and
line width=0.4pt,font=\footnotesize,>=stealth]%      % way of working




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