Re: Rép : [OS X TeX] tkz-tab (Was: Missing $ inserted in a "variations" environment)

Alain Schremmer schremmer.alain at
Tue Mar 17 20:04:58 EDT 2009

On Mar 17, 2009, at 2:57 AM, Axel E. Retif wrote:

> TikZ is indeed a wonderful system (we can no longer call it a  
> package ---many packages, like several from Matthes and pgfplot,  
> are built on TikZ). It's really worth learning it.
> Now ---what I do, and it might seem foolish to some, is copy all  
> the list of \usetikzlibrary from the TikZ manual (pgfmanual-en- 
> main.tex) into a separate tex file, which I input in the file I'm  
> going to make graphic (so I don't have to worry about including the  
> libraries I need for each graphic).
> That is, I do not make the TikZ graphics in the book I'm working  
> on, but in separate files and include the PDFs in the book, as  
> normal graphics. I even have a TeXShop template:

I am not (yet) at the point where I can truly appreciate TikZ but my  
situation is different in that the magnum opus is being uploaded  
under a GNU FreeDocLic for other people to download and, maybe, use  
in their own classes.

So the main reason I am thinking of letting go of Intaglio is  
precisely because TikZ would allow me not to use pdf files for  
including and printing as well as Intaglio files for editing—of which  
I have already hundreds which, by itself, already creates a keeping- 
track problem.

In other words, the idea is that including TikZ figures might  
simplify things for the users in that there would just be the LaTeX  
files. But then that might make further editing harder for the users.

What do you think?


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