[OS X TeX] geometry
fstengel at mac.com
Wed Mar 18 12:58:34 EDT 2009
Le 18 mars 09 à 15:46, George Gratzer a écrit :
> As a mathematician, I always liked geometry, but this baffles me.
> Following the document class command, I give the command
> \usepackage
> [paperwidth
> =
> 155mm
> ,paperheight
> =235mm,textwidth=119mm,textheight=195mm,margin=18mm,tmargin=12mm]
> {geometry}
You are overspecifying. The setting margin=18mm interferes with the
settings textheight=195mm and textwidth=155m. See table 1 (p7) in
geometry's manual. Furthermore the settings you give geometry are
contradictory: you ask for a page height of 235mm, yet you tell
geometry that height is 195+18+12=225mm... You may want this :
Note: lmargin (leftmargin) instead of margin... Or you could use this
Here the left, right and bottom margins are automagically computed...
By the way margin sets *all four* margins (top, bottom, left and
right !) (again this is explained section 6.3, p11 of the manual)
> I typeset the article, and I get 205 mm text height.
> If I do
> \usepackage
> [paperwidth
> =
> 155mm
> ,paperheight
> =235mm,textwidth=119mm,textheight=195mm,margin=18mm,tmargin=12mm]
> {geometry}
> \textwidth=119mm
> \textheight=195mm
Ouch! I smell danger, cirumventing Geometry can create weird things...
My experience with geometry is that one should underspecify things:
only margins to get textwidth, or only textwith and one margin to get
the other etc. If you give it exverythig, geometry might not do what
you want it to do, especially if some of your specifications are
In the hope this helps...
Frank STENGEL (fstengel<at>mac.com)
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