[OS X TeX] JasTeX tweaked for TeXShop and bundled as an OS X application

Ramón Figueroa-Centeno ramonf at hawaii.edu
Wed May 6 06:19:07 EDT 2009


Here <http://www2.hawaii.edu/~ramonf/TeXShop/index.html> is JasTeX 1.1, a
program for drawing Graphs and Automata in LaTeX (a GUI for GasTeX), bundled
as an OS X application. 

The code was tweaked a little bit to meet my needs. For example, the LaTeX
code it generates now suppresses page numbers and includes a TeXShop program
directive that calls an engine called jastex.engine (which is included and
generates a cropped PDF via PDFCrop). 

A (poor and perhaps atrocious) translation of the French manual into English
is also included (it would be very helpful if anyone can improve it; it is
just a text file and it is not too long).

To install JasTeX copy the eponymous folder wherever you want (do not delete
the "images", "help" and "lang" subfolders or the "arrowhead.conf" and
"configuration.properties" files; but, you may edit their contents to change
JasTeX's behavior). 

To install the included jastex.engine place it in
~/Library/TeXShop/Engines/. I use it to generate cropped graphs in PDFs that
I can then include in my papers using \includegraphics. The reason for doing
this is that GasTeX does not work with pdflatex, which is what I mainly use.
If you do not want to use the engine just change "% !TEX TS-program =
jastex" to "% !TEX TS-program = latex".

Finally, let me comment that one of the nice features of JasTeX is that it
stores its output in fully functioning LaTeX files, which can be edited with
an outside editor. The downside of this is that it will open unmodified
files it created without any problems; but if you change a file it will not
always succeed in parsing it when you try to open it. To see what is going
if you have problems, or are just curious, you can look in OS X's Console
(an application in the Utilities folder).



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