[OS X TeX] ligature fi not appearing

Vincent Verfaille vincent at music.mcgill.ca
Wed May 13 22:01:20 EDT 2009

Hi there,

On 13-May-09, at 9:26 PM, Jason Davies wrote:

> Jonathan Kew wrote on 14/5/09 at 01:02
> As I said, I have no idea how they got there in the first place....!
> something, somewhere, converted those (and only those, apparently)  
> potential ligatures. I'm very curious as to how it happened and will  
> explore whether it's something to do with Dictate (and report it to  
> them).
> thanks again. I learned something, at least...

I had the same problem several times, and it took me some time to  
understand where the problem came from.

Here is an easy way to re-produce that problem (having a text with  
ligature in the .tex file):
1- create a .tex document containing charactes that require a ligature  
(ex: finger, file, fflifi);
2- generate the PDF using pdfLaTeX;
3- in the PDf file, copy some text with ligature;
4- past this text back into a.tex file with TeXshop.


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