[OS X TeX] Using new fonts in TeXShop

The Trystero turnandtaxis at gmail.com
Wed Nov 4 01:10:24 EST 2009

I installed the emerald font pack 
(http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/fonts/emerald/) according to 
instructions on http://tug.org/fonts/fontinstall.html.

The test (Step 5) went well and I obtained a testfont.dvi file that 
displayed the fonts correctly. I spot tested this for several of the 
fonts, including augie and tallpaul.

When I try this in TeXShop however, all the font selections display the 
same font that looks nothing like the ones in testfont.dvi -- something 
that like a typewriter font with random spaces between the letters. What 
steps do I need to take to make it work in TeXShop?

I installed Latex using MacTeX. Here is the code I used in TeXShop:


\section*{Tall Paul}
\subsection*{\textbackslash ECFTallPaul}
\input catalogue


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