[OS X TeX] extrange error

Peter Dyballa Peter_Dyballa at Web.DE
Sun Feb 7 04:52:23 EST 2010

Am 07.02.2010 um 01:01 schrieb Sr Sur:

> if I use
> \usepackage[pdftex]{graphicx}
> \usepackage{epstopdf}
> and PDFTeX Script
> the images in the PDF are not displayed. I always had the same  
> problem, for
> these reason I use TEX+DVI script.

Because you haven't read the documentation and do not understand that  
have to allow pdfTeX to invoke external commands. This permission is  
given by using --shell-escape in Mac TeX (or --enable-write18 in  
MiKTEX). If there is no obvious ENGINE file in TeXShop you can change  
one existing for this purpose and save it as for example <original  

BTW, using "\usepackage[pdftex]{graphicx}" with the TeX/dvips route  
*will* produce errors since you lie to TeX that you are producing PDF  
from the source. So there is no wonder that Ghostscript fails. It has  
to, with this incorrect PS input to convert.



Think of XML as Lisp for COBOL programmers.
				- Tony-A (some guy on /.)

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