[OS X TeX] font issues

Peter Dyballa Peter_Dyballa at Web.DE
Tue Jun 15 17:30:04 EDT 2010

Am 15.06.2010 um 18:14 schrieb Art Werschulz:

> First question: Does anybody has a non-broken hclassic.pdf that I  
> can legally obtain?

You should ask that question on the ArabTeX list.

> Second question: I have the Metafont source hclassic.mf.  Is there  
> some way to create a PFB font from same?

Yes. Look into TUGboat. I am sure a few systems are described there in  
the last ten or 20 years.

> Alternatively: I have the Metafont source hclassic.mf, from which I  
> was able to generate hclassic.tfm, hclassic.600pk and hclassic. 
> 1200pk, which I tucked away into my local texmf tree:
> [...]
> Third Question: What do I need to twiddle to make TeX (and friends)  
> use these the PK versions of the hclassic font?

Disable the arabtex.map!

BTW, have you tried to use the font with ArabTeX?



One person with a belief is a social power equal to ninety-nine who  
have only interests.
				– John Stuart Mill

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