[OS X TeX] General Font Question

Richard J Benish rjbenish at teleport.com
Sat Mar 13 04:59:20 EST 2010

>Le 13 mars 10 à 09:11, Richard J Benish a écrit :
>>So why can't LaTex work with the same ease? Why 
>>can't fonts that are readily available for 
>>graphics applications (and even word 
>>processors, etc.) be made readily available in 
>They are if you use XeLaTeX and its fontspec package.
>Try this, for example:
>% !TEX encoding = UTF-8 Unicode
>% !TEX TS-program = xelatex
>\usepackage{xltxtra}% loads also fontspec
>Zapfino is wonderful!
>In argument of fontspec's \setmainfont command, 
>you only have to put the name of the font 
>available in your Mac OS system.
>>I'd guess LaTex would have many more users if 
>>font loading were not so daunting. I've never 
>>even tried loading a new font for LaTex because 
>>I don't understand how, and the many 
>>challenging experiences communicated on this 
>>list are a big disincentive to bother.
>Even with pdfLaTeX, a \usepackage{} is often sufficient. For example,
>loads the beautiful Utopia-Fourier text/math fonts.
>See the LaTeX font catalogue for a comprehensive 
>list of the fonts available with LaTeX and how 
>to use them:
>Hope that helps,
>Franck Pastor

Thank you very much.

I am presently studying for 3 final exams. During 
Spring Break, I think I'll try your advice. 
Perhaps my fear has only been borne of ignorance 
(as it so often is).

Richard Benish

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