[OS X TeX] Who is using biblatex?

Alex Hamann mailinglist at alex-hamann.de
Tue Nov 30 17:48:13 EST 2010

On 30.11.2010, at 22:10, Alan T Litchfield wrote:

> On 1/12/2010, at 8:55 AM, Simon Spiegel wrote:
>> On 30.11.2010, at 20:54, Alan T Litchfield wrote:
>>> On 1/12/2010, at 8:30 AM, Simon Spiegel wrote:
>>>> Of course, what is difficult, always lies in the eye of the beholder, but compiling biber yourself really isn't so difficult. You mainly need a proper perl installation (I use the macports installation) and then you need to install a bunch of perl modules via cpan. Depending on how much you're used to working with the terminal and with perl, this is certainly doable.
>>> Yes, I have perl 5.8.8 so no problem there. The build successfully installed the necessary CPAN dependencies (which is nice) but reports that it ``Can't locate IPC/Cmd.pm in @INC''. Installing that perl reports two more dependencies not met. ...
>> That means IPC::Cmd is missing. A 'sudo cpan IPC::Cmd' should fix this.
> Failed 24/26 test programs. 8/14 subtests failed.
> **sigh** Followed by ``Can't locate Log/Log4perl.pm in @INC''
> Which will no doubt be followed by something else.
> Also ran install Bundle::CPAN.
> Time is against me. I will stick with bibtex or bibtex8 until I have head space. Thanks however. At least I have a starting point for the future.
> Alan
> --

Alan, I ran into similar problems when compiling biber for the first time over a year ago. Those error messages are frustrating but they really just tell you the next module that you should install by using "sudo cpan xxxx" (just as Simon pointed out). Over time the number of required perl modules has increased so you might have to install a few and be willing to get a few error messages but in the end it should really get you there. And honestly, biber is well worth it.



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