[OS X TeX] Color in Koma letter docs under TL-2010

Stephen Anderson sra at yale.edu
Fri Sep 24 16:56:43 EDT 2010

I have a letterhead template based on the Koma-script class scrlttr2.  At the top is some text that is supposed to come out in blue:



\setkomavar{fromlogo}{\color{Yale-blue} \parbox{3in}{\headingfont\Huge {Yale University} \vspace{1.5in}}}

\setkomavar{fromaddress}{\headingfont\color{Yale-blue} \scriptsize  \ \\ \ \\ \ \\
\parbox{2in}{\flushleft  \itshape \ {Department of Linguistics}\\
\ {370 Temple Street}\ \\
\ {P.O.\ Box 208366}\\
\ {New Haven, Connecticut 06520-8366}\\
\ \\
\ {Telephone: 203.432.2456}\\
\  {Email:sra at yale.edu}}}

This works fine when the document is compiled with TexLive-2009, but when I updated to TL-2010, the color disappeared and the header now appears in black.

Any ideas what else I need to do?

Thanks in advance,

Steve Anderson

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