[OS X TeX] Configuring LaTeX produced PDF's for a Kindle

Peter Dyballa Peter_Dyballa at Web.DE
Tue Jan 4 05:14:07 EST 2011

Am 04.01.2011 um 05:23 schrieb David Derbes:

> Does anyone have an appropriate preamble incantation that will  
> output what would have been standard US pages into a nice Kindle  
> format?

I think the display is in inches 4 × 5, so you could set geometry to  
this small area. But you'll have much too large fonts. Reducing font  
size below 10 pt, which certainly works on your ebook reader, is not  
that easy with LaTeX – but the PDF produced could be scaled down.

There might be an external tool to do this, it might also work with  
LaTeX and the pdfpages package: include the original pages reduced by  
some scaling factor on accordingly small paper, set by geometry. Maybe  
you'd need some tinkering for the original document to adapt to the  
square page proportions.

Just an idea...


              ~  O
   Pete       ~~_\\_/%
              ~  O  o

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