[OS X TeX] Does some package handle this character ? (right lower corner filled triangle)

Ewan Delanoy ewan.delanoy at gmx.fr
Tue Mar 8 04:52:50 EST 2011

>Unless I'm way off base here, you have to actually >select< the mac font in XeLaTeX, which >it appears you have not done.

 How do you do that? To me, XeLaTeX is just a compilation option that I select in the
 upper part of the TeXShop window. What I did was setting the default TexShop font
 in TeXShop preferences. That's not enough?

 >Most preambles that work with XeLaTeX have something along the lines of:
 >\setsansfont[Scale=MatchLowercase,Mapping=tex-text]{Gill Sans}
 >\setmonofont[Scale=MatchLowercase]{Andale Mono}

 I tried adding that to my minimal example file, but my XeLaTeX compiler does not
 know those \set(...)font commands.

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