[OS X TeX] Tabular-phobic

Justin C. Walker justin at mac.com
Sun May 1 15:09:21 EDT 2011

On May 1, 2011, at 05:43 , Herbert Schulz wrote:

> Howdy,
> Those of us that may be tabular-phobic might take a look at TeXTable, <http://jgs.guffin.info/textable/>, and see if you like it. Please review it too.

I downloaded 0.2.  Out of curiosity, I also downloaded the "extras" tarball.  If I run "tar -tf" on that file, I get
  TexTable/TeXTable.xcftar: Damaged tar archive: Invalid argument
and then a batch of complaints about a broken archive.  Looks like he tried to create a tar file that was in the directory he was "tar"ing :-}

I have "recognize typed TeX" checked in prefs (the default).  If I change the "begin{center}" usage to "\centering{}", and select "copy TeX to Clipboard", the pasted TeX does not include the 'centering' piece.  The same thing happens with "begin/end center".

In the About box, there's a live link labelled "Twisted Theory Software".  Clicking on that takes me to a spam/phishing/junk site telling me the domain name may be available.  It does have a link for TeXTables, which takes me to another site offering that domain as possibly available.  I gave up.

I have no idea what's going on with "preview".  I'm sure there's an inner logic to what I see, but it's obscure.  Sometimes, I get just a light blue rectangle; sometimes it's got the caption in it; I have yet to see the table printed; and sometimes, I just get the TeX source.

There are a few "deprecation" warnings from TeXTables in the system logs (coming from one of the system's libraries), but nothing that bears on the lack of a preview.  In addition, the "Messages" window never has anything, even if I ramp up verbosity to "highest".


Justin C. Walker, Curmudgeon at Large
Institute for the Absorption of Federal Funds
If it weren't for carbon-14, I wouldn't date at all.

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