[OS X TeX] command completion file for inline and display math mode
Alan Munn
amunn at gmx.com
Thu Jan 19 22:18:34 EST 2012
On Jan 19, 2012, at 7:10 PM, Dilan Fernando wrote:
> Hello All,
> Does anybody know how to achieve the following:
> I want to be able to write something like \mathin (or some other appropriate key board short cut)
> and hit the trigger key and get $$ for the inline math mode with the cursor conveniently placed inside the
> double dollar signs and a 'mark' out side the environment to move out of the in- line
> math mode quickly.
> Also, how does one do the same for the display math mode ($$ $$)?.
Just as an aside, you really shouldn't use $$ ... $$ for display math in LaTeX, but \[ ...\]
It will prevent you from using the [fleqn] class option and will also mess up vertical spacing when using the amsmath package. See <http://www.tex.ac.uk/cgi-bin/texfaq2html?label=dolldoll> for some explanation or
texdoc l2tabu-en
for an explanation (plus a good list of other things you shouldn't do).
Alan Munn
amunn at gmx.com
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