[OS X TeX] MacTeX 2012 fails to install on PPC-leopard
pierre.lauginie at orange.fr
Mon Sep 3 11:23:24 EDT 2012
My machine: PowerPC G5 MacOS 10.5.8
Re-installing recently OS 10.5.8 (after a series
of crashes), I have lost MacTeX 2011 which
otherwise was running correctly (at least, I lost
texlive, pdflatex etc., but not TeXShop and
similar files).
Thus, I download MacTeX 2012 from MacTex.pkg.
The installation starts and soon stops
"installation failed" with the message: "the
program couldn't validate the package 'local-2'.
Contact the editor of the software" ("le
programme n'a pas pu valider le contenu du paquet
'local-2', etc."). Same result from two mirror
sites (french site ircam and US site).
Did anybody encounter such a problem ?
Finally, I downloaded MacTeX-basic 2012, which
seems to run correctly. But what about full
macTeX 2012 ?
Thanks if anybody has an idea.
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Groupe d'Histoire et de Diffusion des Sciences d'Orsay (GHDSO)
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