[OS X TeX] Console behaviour
Josep Maria Font
jmfont at ub.edu
Fri Apr 26 16:20:34 EDT 2013
Hi all,
I often typeset documents with some conditional macros that ask for user input at the beginning of typesetting. For this the console has to activate and come to the foreground. However, this does not happen with all combinations of preferences: It *only* happens if you have chosen:
Console > Show Console > always [as opposed to "when error occurs"]
Typesetting > After Typesetting > Bring Preview Forward [as opposed to "Continue Editing"]
In any of the three other combinations of these items, typesetting stops waiting for user input, but you have to activate the Console window manually in order to introduce the needed text; if you have "always" with "COntinue Eidting", the Console appears as the front window but is not active (!), and if you have "when error occurs", it remains in the background, hence invisible in small screens where source and preview take all the available space even overlapping.
This is kind of annoying, for I would like to have "Continue Editing" selected when working with large screens with room for source and preview side-by-side, so that you can see the preview window without it becoming the front window. But even if I manually activate it, the Console once activated to receive the user input remains there as the front window, and you have to click in the editing window, so the effect of "Continue Editing" is somehow overridden.
It would make sense (I think) that the Console becomes front and active whenever it needs user input, regardless of the chosen option in Console > Show Console. And, in case you have "when error occurs", it should return to the background if no further error occurs.
FWIW, I am using TeXShop 3.11 in three machines, with Snow Leopard, Lion and Mountain Lion; same behaviour in the three.
Am I missing some (hiden?) preference to change this behaviour ? Is this a feature request ?
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