[OS X TeX] invisible filename.synctex.gz

Richard Koch koch at math.uoregon.edu
Tue Jun 11 11:33:33 EDT 2013

On Jun 11, 2013, at 8:07 AM, R Martinez <rm.tech at mac.com> wrote:

> All,
> Herb's post reminded me to ask why TS 3.18 saves multiple versions of the synctex.gz file. I delete older files manually with no apparent ill effects but it would make life a little easier if these files were not saved. So, why the multiple versions? 
> Best wishes,
> Raúl

Note that TeXShop has almost nothing to do with the synctex.gz file (although users should be extremely
grateful that it is there). The file is created by pdftex, pdflatex, luatex, etc. if requested by the flag
--synctex=1. This file contains the information required to sync between the source file and the
typeset file. It is regenerated each time you typeset.

The code to produce synctex.gz was written by Jerome Laurens (thanks!!), and is compiled into
pdftex, luatex, etc. in all recent versions of TeX Live.

If you move a folder to another location, the information in synctex can become out of date. Just typeset
again to update it.

I don't know what "multiple versions" means. I have never seen more than one copy myself. 

Dick Koch

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