[OS X TeX] MacTeX Wiki: Help needed, or shut down.

Joseph C. Slater, PE, PhD joseph.slater at wright.edu
Thu May 16 15:30:06 EDT 2013

The TeX on Mac Wiki, http://mactex-wiki.tug.org, will be shut down in four weeks if volunteers are not identified to replace the current team. 

1) The SysAdmin is stepping down. We need someone knowledgable on linux, mysql, and wikimedia to take over this job, which may overlap with the following. Without such a volunteer, the site will shut down because of a lack of support. 

2) I have been the editor of the wiki for approximately 12 years. I think that's unhealthy for any community document, but it's certainly beyond my capacity anymore. As of June 16, I will no longer be the editor. It is my hope that a volunteer will step forward and take this modest responsibility. The decision will be made by a vote of those who I see as the top 3 contributors to the wiki over the past three years (speak up if you feel you might not be noticed... it's very possible). 

I am not stating 2) with ill will. On the contrary, I hope to find someone with the same passion that I had when I started the wiki. I am confident we can easily find someone with greater commitment today.

Best regards,
Joe Slater

(+1) 937-775-5001

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