[OS X TeX] Advanced Glossaries Use & Latexmk engines

Herbert Schulz herbs at wideopenwest.com
Sat Mar 15 20:52:06 EDT 2014


Are there any folks out there who are using or would use some of the advanced features of the glossaries package, like the [xindy] option so you can do things in utf-8?

If you are interested in that and also would like to use the latexmk engines in TeXShop I have some files that allow all those options.

The changes will eventually become part of the latexmk engine package but I'm interested in having as many folks as possible testing them.

I'd also like to know if those same folks have files that use the old glossary package since a permanent change will require an extra file when using that package since the processing rules are different between the advanced use of glossaries and the old glossary package. It's a very small file and easy to use.

Good Luck,

Herb Schulz
(herbs at wideopenwest dot com)

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