[OS X TeX] Font with support for french punctuation

Axel Kielhorn tex at axelkielhorn.de
Tue Mar 18 06:05:07 EDT 2014


With OpenType features it should be possible to increase the kerning between the last letter and a [!?:;] when the language french is selected.

I had a look some of the common free fonts I have on my computer, but there seems no support for that.

* Language 'French' not available for font 'fontname' with script
* 'Latin'.

Is my testfile incorrect or are there no fonts that support "Language=French"?


for i in *.ttf ; do  otfinfo -s "$i" >> ~/scripts.txt ; done

on /Library/Fonts indicates that there is no Latin/French support.

Does anyone know a font that supports this option?
(Preferably a free font.)


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