[OS X TeX] Install fail

Ettore Aldrovandi ealdrov at math.fsu.edu
Wed Sep 2 21:24:55 EDT 2015

> On Sep 2, 2015, at 21:02, Herbert Schulz <herbs at wideopenwest.com> wrote:
>> On Sep 2, 2015, at 6:58 PM, Ettore Aldrovandi <ealdrov at mail.math.fsu.edu> wrote:
>> OK, you definitely run /bin/tcsh as your shell. It seems you have the correct things in /etc/paths.d and texbin is in the right place.
>> We have to understand why the path is not correctly set, see later messages. Herb suggests to check the global initialization files in /etc. Let’s see if that turns anything up.
>> —Ettore
> Howdy,
> If the initialization files have been edited the files in /etc/paths.d are NOT read. I'm hoping that the profile and bashrc files weren't touched since he was using tcsh. Then a change to what has become the standard shell for OS X, bash, might just solve the problem.

The files in /etc should not have been edited. Fink is not known for editing or changing anything outside /sw. In theory the tcsh should read /etc/paths.d via /usr/libexec/path_helper called by /etc/csh.login (just like bash or zsh for the other family of initialization files). 

I asked John to check if there is a .tcshrc file in $HOME. 

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