[OS X TeX] Chapter proof outputs

Alan Litchfield alan at alphabyte.co.nz
Thu Jun 16 17:19:03 EDT 2016


I know this is a question that comes up from time to time, but I have 
yet to find a satisfactory answer. I just hoping for some suggestions 
for improvement.

Several (many) years ago I developed a thesis template while doing my 
master thesis based on the report class. I further adapted it for my PhD 
and some folk saw what I'd done and asked to use it. Since then, it has 
become the defacto template for the university where I work. That means 
I have had to spend a lot of time cleaning it up, simplifying parts and 
writing documentation on how to use it. Now I am at a stage where I need 
to resolve an annoyance, which is *how to generate chapter proofs* for 
supervisors to check.

Presently, I have two template headers: one for the whole thesis that 
generates all the front matter, chapters (as includes), ToCs, etc.; the 
other is for chapter proofs that produces a front page with the student 
name, chapter title, etc and then the chapter as an include (the person 
changes the chapter file to be included for each proof).

The downside of the present situation is that chapter numbers have to be 
replaced with a preset counter ("X" in this case) and cross references 
to other chapters are broken.

What I would like is to present the option of a chapter proof as an 
option declared such as this for a full thesis:

and this for a chapter proof:

In other words, that unless "proof=[some file name]" is declared as an 
option, the whole thesis is generated. It would be really nice if the 
thesis aux file were used to maintain the integrity of counters and labels.

As I said, suggestions are very welcome. The template lives at:

Dr Alan Litchfield
PO Box 1941
Auckland, New Zealand 1140

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