[OS X TeX] Trouble installing MacTeX 2016 in El Capitan

Richard Koch koch at uoregon.edu
Wed Sep 14 12:14:51 EDT 2016

Joseph Maria,

I'm curious. When the instructions failed for you, did you erase them and then start over, carefully
copying everything and checking to make sure none of the copied lines was left out or cut off at the end?

I ask this because we don't just write those instructions and assume they are correct Before the DVD
was created, I personally installed the full MacTeX on every qualifying operating system, by following
the instructions exactly. And that means Leopard PPC, Leopard Intel, Snow Leopard, Lion, Mountain
Lion, Mavericks, Yosemite, and El Capitan. 

I was exhausted. So to be casually told that the instructions didn't work is mildly distressing.

Dick Koch

> On Sep 14, 2016, at 2:53 AM, Josep Maria Font <jmfont at ub.edu> wrote:
> I had MacTeX-2105 installed in Mavericks and -finally- I decided to upgrade to El Capitan. Everything semmed to work fine, including TeXShop and TeX.
> Then I wanted to install MacTeX-2016 from the DVD. I copy-pasted the relevant lines in Terminal, as instructed in the installation document, and after typing the admin passwd, I got:
> sudo: unable to execute ./install-tl: Input/output error
> I did not find any help concerning this issue in the installation notes, the TUG web site, etc.
> Any help will be appreciated.
> JMaF
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