[OS X TeX] Latex symbol for "define equal"

Art Werschulz agw at comcast.net
Sun Aug 26 12:36:40 EDT 2018


> On Aug 26, 2018, at 10:11 AM, Ross Moore <ross.moore at mq.edu.au> wrote:
> Texts that introduce new concepts by means of a definition, without previous motivating examples, are notoriously difficult to learn from. That's why Bourbaki never really gained much traction — if you are not already an expert, just forget it.

I'd put it in the same league as Russel and Whitehead's Principia in terms of pedagogic value for introductory students.

The main place where Bourbaki came into my life was in grad school, where a segment of Bourbaki was used in my French language comp.  IT was pretty easy to translate, given how little French I really knew.  I've never had a need to look at Bourbaki ever since.

Art Werschulz
agw at comcast.net

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