[OS X TeX] Format for enumerate environment
William Slough
wslough at gmail.com
Wed Aug 7 19:09:36 EDT 2019
I don't claim any expertise on these packages, but does this produce what
you want?
Please don't ask me to explain the meaning of the syntax though: I got
this with some experimentation!
Best regards,
Bill Slough
On Wed, Aug 7, 2019 at 5:28 PM Nitecki, Zbigniew H. <
Zbigniew.Nitecki at tufts.edu> wrote:
> This is undoubtedly a stupid question, but bear with me.
> I am trying to format an enumerated list (using the enumerate environment,
> and we are at the top level—this is not inside another “enumerate”
> environment). I want to have the numbering in arabic followed by a period,
> as in
> 1. First item
> 2. Second item
> etc, but I need to interrupt the list to insert commentary/instructions.
> I know about both the enumitem package (using \end{enumerate}, then
> \begin{enumerate}[resume} and the mdwlist package, (using
> \suspend{enumerate} then \resume{enumerate}. For some reason (is it
> because I am using the amsart document style?) the default labelling is in
> parentheses, contrary to what the Latex Companion says.
> I can change the format back to the one I want, using
> \usepackage{enumerate} and \begin{enumerate}[1.], but can’t interrupt the
> list—at least I don’t know how: if I don’t invoke either enumitem or
> mdwlist, I know I have to go through contortions to resume the numbering
> after the comment, which I don’t quite understand (the explanation on pp
> 129-131 is opaque to me).
> If I try to use enumitem and start with \begin{enumerate}[1.], even with
> \usepackage{enumerate}, it tells me 1. is undefined.
> If I use mdwlist alone with the same initial \begin{enumerate}[1.] I get
> an immediate missing item error.
> The best outcome I managed was to \usepackage{enumerate} together with
> \mdwlist; with the initial \begin{enumerate}[1.] :
> if I don’t try to put [1.] after the \resume{enumerate} I get a good
> listing, but the first part of the list is labeled as desired (1. First)
> but the second part is
> indented, and labeled parenthetically ( (3) Third ). I’ve attached the
> minimal example with this configuration.
> If I try to use [1.] after \resume{enumerate}, it finds a missing item in
> the second part of the list.
> Can someone give me a (hopefully straightforward) solution to the problem,
> so that I get
> 1. First item
> 2. Second item
> We pause for a break
> 3. Third item
> 4. Fourth item
> ?
> Zbigniew Nitecki
> Department of Mathematics
> Tufts University
> Medford, MA 02155
> telephones:
> Office (617)627-3843
> Dept. (617)627-3234
> Dept. fax (617)627-3966
> http://www.tufts.edu/~znitecki/
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