[OS X TeX] dvisvgm and ghostscript

koch at uoregon.edu koch at uoregon.edu
Fri Oct 23 12:13:46 EDT 2020


I confirmed that my install package puts up a line about Ghostscript 9.53.2 during installation. That is my error, but unfortunately irrelevant and just a spelling error.

Just to check, I removed the entire directory /usr/local/share/ghostscript/9.53.3 from my computer and then reinstalled using the "slightly defective" package. It added 9.53.3 back to the directory.

Then I ran the test of the dvisvgm that I had done earlier. But this time I copied your command out of the latest email and just changed the name of the pdf being converted. The command ran fine.

So the puzzle remains.

I'd like you to do one final test. 

	https://pages.uoregon.edu/koch <https://pages.uoregon.edu/koch>

download and install Ghostscript 9,50 Full and install it. No need to erase anything first. Then run the test again, this time changing 9.53.3 to 9.50 in appropriate places. Does this work for you?

You can easily return to 9,.53.3 by just installing it again afterward.

Dick Koch

PS: Another test would be to try to convert some other pdf illustration. The dvisvgm error message strongly suggests that this test will also fail, but just to be sure ....

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