[Textures] Textures forever!

Silvia Maschio silvia at compomat.it
Fri Aug 2 10:48:07 EDT 2013

I've tried with an older version of textures but nothing... I've change the  com.bluesky.Textures.plist  wuth the older version. Nothing. Always the same error message.
I've also contacted the president of bluesky at the new addres

president at blueskytex.com

I'm waiting. 

I hope somebody help me

Thank you

Il giorno 02/ago/2013, alle ore 11.57, Bruno Voisin ha scritto:

> Le 2 août 2013 à 10:46, Silvia Maschio <silvia at compomat.it> a écrit :
>> on a my macintosh G5 textures don't run after a message in which appear an upgrade. I click on "yes" without mind... and after that "click", textures don't run!!! Appear a windows for the new key code.... and if I put my key code it don't run.
>> So, I've deleted textures and tried to put a new version  (2.2.018b, that I've on my machine) but after some seconds appear a new windows (in attachment)
> That will most probably fail, but just in case: for your G5, can you recover a version of ~/Library/Preferences/com.bluesky.Textures.plist from before you performed the upgrade, using Time machine? In case your version of OS X makes ~/Library invisible by default, you can change that by typing in Utilities/Terminal:
> 	chflags nohidden ~/Library
> If your can recover this version, and you have also access (possibly from a Time Machine backup too) to the version of Textures from before the upgrade, then you can erase the current versions of Textures and the preference file, replace them by the old versions, and see what happens.
> Other than that, there's also the problem that a G5 is PowerPC IIRC, and I don't remember whether the latest Textures are Universal or Intel-only. There's an instruction for testing that (something involving 'arch'), but I don't remember it right now.
> I'll be super-busy for the next 4 to 6 hours hence unable to help until much later in the day.
> Bruno Voisin 
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CompoMat srl
Dott.ssa Silvia Maschio
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