[Textures] Installing files in Textures for a LaTeX letterhead

Bruno Voisin bvoisin at me.com
Thu Aug 22 10:37:10 EDT 2013

Le 21 août 2013 à 23:50, Ron Wolff <rwwolff at berkeley.edu> a écrit :

> I would like to use Textures for a LaTeX university letterhead for letters.
> I have two files for this:
> a special version of document class: letter,
> and a font file that creates the letterhead.
> My question is - where do I put these files? Can anyone help?

Hi Ron,

Document class in either of

	/Library/Application Support/Textures/Inputs
	~/Library/Application Support/Textures/Inputs

and similarly font in either of

	/Library/Application Support/Textures/Fonts
	~/Library/Application Support/Textures/Fonts

depending on whether you want a system-wide install (ie for all user accounts on your Mac, if there are several), or a single-user install (ie for your account only, not for others). Here "~" means your home directory, something like /Users/rwwolf.

By default, ~/Library is hidden on Lion and Mountain Lion. You can access it in the Finder by pressing Alt while clicking on the Go menu in the menu bar: a new Library item appears.

Otherwise, you can make ~/Library visible permanently by entering in Terminal:

	chflags nohidden ~/Library

Generally every system update resets that setting to hidden, so you have to run this command again afterwards.

Now, two things about the font (beware, things are getting fairly technical):

- Fonts have to be in a format that Textures can deal with: old-style PostScript font composed of a LWFN printer font file with matching screen font suitcase; TrueType font in a .dfont suitcase, .ttf file or .ttc collection. I read somewhere that Textures can use OpenType fonts from .dfont suitcases or .otf files, but last I looked seriously at the matter (in 2010) this didn't work (ie there were serious encoding problems).

If your font is PostScript in Unix-style .pfa or .pfb files, then things get tricky. You can use FontForge to convert to TrueType, for example. There was a detailed description in


Things got more difficult since then, though: you can still get FontForge from <http://sourceforge.net/projects/fontforge/files/fontforge-executables/>, and <http://sourceforge.net/projects/fontforge/files/fontforge-executables/FontForge_macunivX.5-20090923.pkg.zip/download> still runs on Lion and Mountain Lion, but installation is tricky.

Here's what I wrote on another list in November last year (this assumes at some point you Ctrl-Click on the .pkg package to inspect then edit its content):

> - The obsolete binary packages at <http://sourceforge.net/projects/fontforge/files/fontforge-executables/> won't install. Up to Lion they did. This, of course, after Ctrl-Clicking the package so as to bypass the security warning about unknown developer. Installer.app starts the installation as usual, then reports failure and that's it. Inspection of /var/log/install.log reveals the error is "The file “fontforge.sf.net.bom” doesn’t exist.".
> […]
> So, after much experimentation, it turns out it's still possible to install the binary packages on ML. Here's how. The culprit seems to be, in the Info.plist file in the install package,
> 	<key>CFBundleIdentifier</key>
> 	<string>http://fontforge.sf.net/</string>
> The use of the apparently forbidden ":" and/or "/" in the bundle identifier confuses the installer. What you need to do is edit, in FontForge_macunivX.5-20090923.pkg/Contents/,
> - Info.plist so as to replace
> 	<key>CFBundleIdentifier</key>
> 	<string>http://fontforge.sf.net/</string>
> by say
> 	<key>CFBundleIdentifier</key>
> 	<string>net.sf.fontforge</string>
> - Resources/postflight by commenting out (with "#") towards the end
> #Don't ask me why this is needed, nor what it does. But it seems to be needed
> mkdir -p /var/db/receipts/http:/
> cp $RECEIPT_PATH/../Archive.bom /var/db/receipts/http:/fontforge.sf.net.bom
> After that the install package works smoothly. It will create a file ~/Library/Preferences/com.apple.x11.plist that can be thrown out. The purpose of this file is to add a FontForge menu item, with shortcut Cmd-F, to the Applications menu of X11. But with XQuartz the preference file is now ~/Library/Preferences/org.macosforge.xquartz.X11.plist, and the Applications menu has now the default items Terminal (Cmd-N) / xman / xlogo not just Terminal (Cmd-N) as assumed by the installer.

Other than that, you can instead install FontForge via Homebrew (and probably also MacPorts as well), but I'm not a big fan of package-management systems.

- Second, the font should be accompanied by a metrics. If the metrics is in .tfm format and has exactly the same name as the font file, then you can just put it in either of

	/Library/Application Support/Textures/Metrics
	~/Library/Application Support/Textures/Metrics

and things will work out of the box. If the names are different, or some operation must be performed on the font (such as re-encoding, slanting, etc., which you can generally guess from the Unix-style associated .map file TeX), then you must edit the metrics in the TeX metrics window. The section "What's new in Textures 2.2.0b17?" at <http://web.archive.org/web/20121013232707/http://www.bluesky.com/news/220b.html> provides some indications on how to do this.

If that doesn't work, or some more sophisticated operations are required, then you must resort to EdMetrics, as described in detail in


Since these instructions were written, the Blue Sky FTP server has disappeared. Its content has been preserved on CTAN at <http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/systems/mac/textures>. Accordingly, EdMetrics 1.7.1 can still be obtained, from <http://mirrors.ctan.org/systems/mac/textures/utilities/EdMetrics.sea.hqx>.

Unfortunately, to run EdMetrics you need to either have access to an old Mac still able to run Classic, or otherwise you need to install SheepShaver <http://www.emaculation.com/doku.php/sheepshaver_mac_os_x_setup>. This is not for the faint of heart, and took me almost a week (ie, just to get a working SheepShaver).

I can post if need be the SheepShaver installation notes I wrote at the time (December 2009), but they're 2.2 MB hence possibly too big as an attachment for this list, and they may be slightly outdated (ie with dead links that need updating).

Finally, if there is no metrics, then FontForge is able to create a .tfm file for any font. See the URL above.

This is all I can think of for now. Another solution, of course, in case you cannot get the font to work with Textures, is to use MacTeX instead of Textures. Within it, using the XeLaTeX or LuaLaTeX engines (in TeXShop switching to them is straightforward), and the fontspec and unicode-math packages, you can access OS X fonts (from /Library/Fonts or ~/Library/Fonts) in fairly transparent way, pretty much as Textures did back in them old days.

Hope this helps,

Bruno Voisin

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