[Textures] Textures 2.2.0b19 and figures in PDF

Bruno Voisin bvoisin at me.com
Tue Feb 10 04:50:38 EST 2015

> Le 09 Feb 2015 à 23:46, Larry Paulson <lp15 at cam.ac.uk> a écrit :
> I never got any of the recent versions (of the past few years) to work on any recent OS. Even when it runs, it produces no useful output, no matter where the fonts are installed. I switched to Texpad, which isn’t as fast, but works, with impressive autocompletion and other refinements.

Textures 2.2.0b19 works OK on my setup, but I must say I am using it less and less.

Until a couple of years ago, it was my TeX tool of choice, not for producing the final versions of a document but when writing its content, because of the fantastic Flash Mode. I also like the rendering in the Typeset window, which I find more pleasant to the eye (though I couldn't tell exactly why) than for TeXShop or TeXworks.

But using Textures is getting increasingly inconvenient for several reasons:

- It can't do hyperref. hyperlinks (either internal, to another part of the same document, or external, to a web page) are now in most documents we write, so one way or another we have to switch to other tools for generating the final PDF output anyway.

- Though the Blue Sky site <http://www.blueskytex.com/lastpage.html> said Textures supports OpenType fonts, I never got them to work (and I did try, believe me!).

- As a consequence, neither fontspec.sty nor unicode-math.sty can work with Textures (and they would require driver files fontspec-textures.sty to be created, which would be a huge task anyway). fontspec in particular is becoming central to many people's workflow I think.

- Textures' built-in editor is bugged and very limited (it cannot block comment or indent, for example). Also, it only works in Macintosh Roman encoding, whereas UTF-8 is becoming much more commonplace (and required, in particular, by XeTeX and LuaTeX).

- As a rule, there are more and more LaTeX packages that rely on features of eTeX, pdfTeX, XeTeX or LuaTeX that weren't in the original TeX, hence aren't in Textures.

So for all these reasons, I'm more and more rarely using Textures. It used to be the leader of the pack, but that was long ago. I am still planning to give a go at Texpad, but haven't done it yet.

Bruno Voisin  

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