[Textures] No Textures Preview with MacOS Sierra

Uwe Schmock schmock at fam.tuwien.ac.at
Sat Jan 14 14:06:13 EST 2017


I am still using Textures occasionally due to its precise 
command-click feature (otherwise I use TeXShop). I recently shifted 
to a new MacBook Pro running MacOS Sierra (10.12.2). I managed to get 
Textures 2.2.0b19 running and typesetting a 150-page document (no 
complaints in the log window), however, all the typesetted pages are 
white and empty (the same applies to their "Save as PDF ..." 
versions). I am only using computer modern fonts. Command-click 
between TeX code and typeset window works, but is useless since the 
typesetted text is not displayed.

I used Textures 2.2.0b18 with MacOS 10.6.8 so far, so I might have 
missed a few Textures-critical changes in the operating system.

Any advice, suggestions or experience?

With kind regards,


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