[OS X Emacs] Aquamacs on Leopard scrolling problem

David Reitter david.reitter at gmail.com
Thu Dec 27 06:05:54 EST 2007


> I just upgraded to Leopard and Aquamacs 1.3rc1. Now I have a problem  
> with the scroll-key features:

OK, can you tell whether this problem was introduced between Aquamacs  
1.2 and 1.3rc1 or in Leopard? (Suspect the latter.)

>       (setq mac-function-modifier 'hyper)))
> However, now on my Macook i run into the problem, that with this  
> customization, <up> sends
> <H-down> runs the command (lambda nil (interactive) (scroll-up))

> Why does (setq mac-function-modifier 'hyper) change the behavior of  
> <up>?

What's your keyboard configuration?
I couldn't reproduce your problem on a MacbookPro with the default  
keyboard settings.

Are you using a special system-wide keyboard binding for your keyboard?

The function key support is quite the hack (I accept the blame),  
because there isn't or wasn't support for it coming from the OS. It  
will, for instance, fail on non-English keyboard layouts, even though  
up/down should be just the same on the German keyboard that you're  
presumably using.

> How can I revert that change? Or should I proceed differently to get  
> a Hyper modifier for my fn key?

As a workaround, you can always re-bind the keys.

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