[OS X Emacs] latex error???

David Reitter david.reitter at gmail.com
Thu Sep 18 09:29:34 EDT 2008

On 18 Sep 2008, at 09:06, Jesper Ryge wrote:
> do u mean look for load-path in Preferences.el or can i check  
> somehow what paths emacs is loading after start-up? im not that much  
> into all the specific commands within in emacs i must say, except  
> for the normal editing shortcuts and so on... in the Preference.el  
> there are no additional paths set. i used to have a path set to ess  
> but the new distribution of aquamacs its not necessary.

Right.  Why don't you send us a bug report with Help -> Diagnose... ->  
Start Aquamacs  first, and then Help -> Diagnose..-> Send Bug Report  
(from the new Aquamacs instance).  (This applies to version 1.5rc3)

That'll give us more information.

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