[OS X Emacs] Minibuffer appearance

David Reitter david.reitter at gmail.com
Fri Feb 6 07:06:22 EST 2009

On 4 Feb 2009, at 12:16, Salvatore Enrico Indiogine wrote:
> Options -> Appearance -> Background color ...   then choose black
> Options -> Appearance -> Foreground color ....  then choose white
> However, the minibuffer remains white with black text.   Is it
> possible to change that?

There is no face in emacs meant specifically for the echo area (and I  
presume you want to change that rather than just minibuffers).
There are several ways, but the easiest one would be:

- Turn off Autofaces
- use the "Background color" function to choose a color for the frame  
(rather than for the major mode)
- Turn Autofaces on again.

Hope that helps.

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