[OS X Emacs] Changing default font

David Reitter david.reitter at gmail.com
Sat May 15 00:01:50 EDT 2010

On May 14, 2010, at 6:51 PM, Arthur Ogus wrote:

> I've just downloaded and installed Aquamacs 2.0  Seems a nice improvement, but I should point out some issues.

Thanks, Arthur, for the input.  I reproduce.

As for sub/superscripts: those work in principle (for me), but the font used is too large.  I found the customization variable `font-latex-script-display' and the customizable face `font-latex-superscript-face'.  Let me know if that helps.

As for the icon: if somebody would want to make the water look more like water, I'd certainly be interested in an improvement to the icon.  But keep in mind that application icons do not have a lot of a 3D effect in them on OSX.

I fully agree with what you said about customizations, especially about the AUCTeX ones.  They are very "indirect" in many places.
- David

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