[OS X Emacs] How to get flyspell to check spelling as I type?

Braun, Michael braunm at mail.smu.edu
Tue Jun 8 18:17:44 EDT 2021

In my LaTeX-mode-hook, I have (flyspell-mode 1).  And for some reason, I have

    (turn-on-flyspell smart-spacing-mode auto-detect-wrap)))

as one of my custom-set-variables in customizations.el.  Maybe one or both of those will help.

> On Jun 1, 2021, at 1:48 PM, Stephen Anderson <sra at yale.edu> wrote:
> For some time I have been having a good deal of frustration with flyspell in Aquamacs. I’m a poor typist, and I rely on having dynamic spell correction to avoid masses of hard-to-recover typos. When I type text in Aquamacs (3.5), the mode line identifies modes “LaTeX/FPS Fly (Default) BCite Ref Abbrev Fill”, but typing things that shouldn’t appear in the default dictionary (“en”) almost never results in a flag (underlining). Frustratingly, this does very occasionally happen, but I have no idea of what’s going on.
> My ancient ~/.emacs file includes this code:
> (autoload 'turn-on-bib-cite "bib-cite")
> (autoload 'flyspell-babel-setup "flyspell-babel")
> (add-hook 'LaTeX-mode-hook 'flyspell-babel-setup)
> (setq flyspell-babel-to-ispell-alist
>         '(("french" "francais")
>           ("greek" nil)))
> (add-hook 'LaTeX-mode-hook '(lambda ()
>                             (turn-on-reftex)
>                             (turn-on-bib-cite)
>                             (TeX-fold-mode 1)
>                             (setq ispell-parser 'tex)
>                             (flyspell-mode) 
>                             (abbrev-mode)
>                             (LaTeX-install-toolbar)))
> There was a time when this seemed to work, although it’s been so long since I set this up that I have no idea whether it’s the right way to do things.
> Anyway, I will be extremely grateful if someone can show me what I need to do to get flyspell to work as it should, consistently.
> Thanks,
>> Steve Anderson[EXTERNAL SENDER]
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Michael Braun, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Marketing, and
  Corrigan Research Professor
Cox School of Business
Southern Methodist University
Dallas, TX 75275
braunm at smu.edu

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