[OS X TeX] Re: More about Adobe fonts...
Xoán Pedracova
xpedra at mac.com
Wed Jun 12 14:00:58 EDT 2002
On Tuesday, June 11, 2002, at 04:12 PM, William Adams wrote:
> xpedra asked:
>> I guess this is a question for designers rather than programers
>> but, may anyone suggest me the most suitable tt and sf fonts for the
>> roman Adobe Garamond?
> Alan Hoenig shows examples of such in his wonderful book _TeX Unbound_
> Should be able to get it from your library on inter-library loan, or
> I've various references on typefaces and usage in my bibliography at
> http://members.aol.com/willadams
> Failing that, I'd try mocking up a sample page and trying various
> weights and sizes---a lot will depend upon the importance you want the
> other faces to have.
Well, I just wanted to use some suitable tt font to write some PHP
coding examples. I don't need math fonts this time.
Most probaly I won't need the sf one.
>> Are Courier and Helvetica a good set?
> No. Courier is too spindly, Helvetica not really readable, but merely
> decipherable (as opposed to legible)
>> By the way,
>> since I began to use the Adobe Garamond font I have noticed the 12pt
>> size font is smaller for this typeface than the CMR 12pt one. Is it
>> usual?
> Yes, typefaces are designed on an em-square and may take up more or less
> of that---the placement of the x-height on the square will vary as well,
> and Adobe Garamond is fairly low.
> William
> --
> William Adams, publishing specialist
> ATLIS Graphics & Design / 717-731-6707 voice / 717-731-6708 fax
> Sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow.
> http://www.atlis.com
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