[OS X TeX] Table question
Ross Moore
ross at ics.mq.edu.au
Fri Jun 21 05:48:27 EDT 2002
> Hello,
> I have the following table (article, modifed margins)
> \begin{tabular}{p{3.5cm}p{3cm}p{3.5cm}p{5cm}}
> \hline
> Vorname/Name & Firma & Funktion & Kontakt\\
> \hline
> Karl Kr_ppel & Kr_ppel AG, Gunzgenstrasse 45, 2323 Lyss & Gesch_ftsf_hrer & \begin{tabular}{@{}ll}
> Telefon: & 012 345 45 95\\
> Fax: & 023 111 34 99\\
> Mobil: &\\
> Email: & \\
> \end{tabular}\\
> \hline
> \end{tabular}
> and the following problems:
> - I use p{x} because the line breaks will be automatically set. Otherwise I have to set line breaks manually and all tables over several documents does not look the same
> - p{x} produces centered text which leeds to problems. The street (Gunzgenstrasse 45) will be distributed over the whole cell, the streetname of the left side and the number on the right side
p{<width>} means to set a paragraph to a given width.
inter-word spacing will be "justified"; i.e. expanded to fill the width
To override this, you need to specify what to do with the excess space
(i.e. the difference between the required width and the actual width of your text.
You can do this using \hfill
Karl Kr_ppel \hfill& Kr_ppel AG,\hfill Gunzgenstrasse 45,\hfill Lyss &
Alternatively, you can try using \raggedright in appropriate places.
Hope this helps,
Ross Moore
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