MacOSX-TeX Digest #259 - 03/10/02

TeX on Mac OS X Mailing List MacOSX-TeX at
Sun Mar 10 20:00:01 EST 2002

MacOSX-TeX Digest #259 - Sunday, March 10, 2002

  Re: could use some info/follow up please
          by "david craig" <dac at>
  Re: [OS X TeX] Re: could use some info/follow up please
          by "William McCallum" <mccallumwilliam at>
  praise --- and three humble fine-tuning suggestions
          by "Joachim Kock" <kock at>
  Re: could use some info
          by "Andrew Trevorrow" <andrew at>
  Re: TeXShop 1.17
          by "Juan Luis Varona Malumbres" <jvarona at>
  Re: [OS X TeX] batch convert eps to pdf using epstopdf
          by "Piet van Oostrum" <piet at>
  Alpha 8 beta
          by "Michael Murray" <mmurray at>
  Re: [OS X TeX] batch convert eps to pdf using epstopdf
          by "Hanspeter Schaub" <HanspeterSchaub at>
  TUG 2002: `Stand up and be proud of TeX!'
          by "Wendy McKay" <wgm at>
  iTeXMac icons and TeXShop
          by "Bruce D'Arcus" <bdarcus at>
  Re: [OS X TeX] iTeXMac icons and TeXShop
          by "Matthias Damm" <m.damm at>
  Re: [OS X TeX] iTeXMac icons and TeXShop
          by "Holger Frauenrath" <mail at>
  Re: [OS X TeX] iTeXMac icons and TeXShop
          by "Michael Murray" <mmurray at>


Subject: Re: could use some info/follow up please
From: "david craig" <dac at>
Date: Fri, 8 Mar 2002 20:32:49 -0500 (EST)

Alpha in Classic has been almost completely seemless, save for a few
minor and essentially unavoidable glitches connected with "helper"
applications due to Apple's infuriating decision to deprecate file
type/creators.  (It could be smarter about packaged applications as
well.)  But the developer's cabal has been _great_ about helping with
some of those glitches, and I have no doubt that most of these remaining
niggles will fade as/when Alpha X approaches/arrives.

> My follow up is:  are you Alpha users (btw, i'm referring to Alpha
> v7.2) using also TeXShop? or what for you makes up your Mac TeX'ing
> package?

Mostly the Carbon OzTeX.  I'm quite fond of it.  I especially like how
nicely it separates my own style files etc. and so on from the main TeX
installation, how easy it is to set search paths, and overall ease of
customizability.  And Andrew's been knocking himself out to add features
that enable interoperability with unix tools, other TeX-related
applications, and so on.  A very nice package.  You'd have to work
pretty hard to separate me from the Alpha-OzTeX pairing as my main TeX

And since I managed to integrate my OzTeX localtex tree into tetex's
with judicious use of a few symbolic links, on those occasions when I
*do* want to play around with TeXShop, all the bits and pieces are
there.  (There are some things about TeXShop I do like.  It would be
nice if OzTeX integrated half as smoothly with pdftex -- that's its
biggest lack, as far as my needs are concerned.)

> The only thing that your professors might miss if they are picky is
> the ability to fire up TeXShop (or OzTeX running under OS X) from
> Classic Alpha.

Alpha launches the Carbon OzTeX just fine.  Haven't tried sending to
TeXShop.  It's a package, so it might take a little tweaking to get
Classic Alpha to accept it as a TeX helper application.  (I don't think
its type/creator will be in Classic's desktop databse.)  This is exactly
the sort of thing that will go away when Alpha X arrives, and there
_are_ workarounds even now, if TeXShop/tetex is your TeX of choice.

David Craig



Subject: Re: [OS X TeX] Re: could use some info/follow up please
From: "William McCallum" <mccallumwilliam at>
Date: Fri, 8 Mar 2002 19:17:12 -0700

> Alpha launches the Carbon OzTeX just fine.

Hi, I wasn't able to make it do this. When prompted to provide a TeX app 
I would navigate to the OzTeX folder, but the app itself didn't show up. 
Any hints about what I'm doing wrong?


Subject: praise --- and three humble fine-tuning suggestions
From: "Joachim Kock" <kock at>
Date: Sat, 9 Mar 2002 12:07:59 +0100

Thanks a lot, Richard, for a wonderful update(*) to TeXShop --- and thanks
Anton for the toolbar --- really great.

I am very happy that TeXShop now can typeset without showing the source
file in its editor.  But I would like to suggest two things (for the
situation where TeXShop is configured for external editor):

   1: when 'opening' a .tex file, TeXShop should tex it before showing its
   pdf.  This seems logical: if the user chooses to open a tex file and not
   the pdf file next to it, then the intention most probably is to have it
   tex'ed, not to see an outdated pdf version of the document.  (Or worse: a
   blank page.)  This would also be in accordance with the behaviour for
   .dvi and .ps files: they are processed even if there happen to exist an
   old pdf file of the same base name next to it.

   2: When 'opening' a tex file, it would be great if TeXShop would take the
   time to actually open it (in read-only mode) and look at the first line
   of it before sending it to the tex engine --- to see if there is any hint
   concerning format or script.  Just as for files open in the internal

Thousands of thanks for the arrow keys in the preview window!  This really
makes previewing easier.  (I hope more shortcuts are to come...)

I am also very fond of the new toolbar --- it's just so elegant and
OSXish.  However, I am also pleased that it can be turned off!  --- this
is important on the small display of an iBook, where you want to have
every pixel working for your document instead of for widgets.  Most of
the time.  With the arrow keys, this is mostly fine.  However, the
function "Go To Page..." resides solely in the toolbar...  I would like
to suggest that

   3.  There should be a menu item (with a key shortcut (e.g. ctrl-G)) for
   "Go To Page..."  (And also perhaps a "Scale..."  menu item).  I think
   this would be in synch with what seems to be OSX standard: that items in
   toolbars are handy aliases you can customise, but that the official home
   for these commands is elsewhere (in the menus).

A final (somewhat unrelated) question: is there any particular reason why
the six typesetting commands are dimmed when the console is the frontmost
window?  Since there is one console for each document, it should be
unambiguous what the command Typeset means...

Once again, thanks a lot for your work.


(*) Sorry, I am a bit slow: I am still talking about 1.16...

Joachim KOCK
Laboratoire de Mathématiques J.A.Dieudonné    Tél.  +33
Université de Nice Sophia-Antipolis           Fax   +33
Parc Valrose - 06108 Nice cédex 2 - FRANCE    Mél.  kock at


Subject: Re: could use some info
From: "Andrew Trevorrow" <andrew at>
Date: Sat, 9 Mar 2002 23:22:09 +1100

> I had some trouble installing OzTeX 5b7 for some professors... they had
> version 4 present as well.
> I thought everything was fine when apparently parts of the b7 install
> just disappeared or it started using parts of v4.  Causing my clients to
> ask for removal because they said it was "messing" up version 4.

I doubt whether parts of 5b7 disappeared.  I suspect what has happened
is that OzTeX 4 has called OzMF 5 to make missing PK fonts.
Note that the reverse cannot happen; ie. OzTeX 5 cannot accidentally
call OzMF 4 because I added some code to prevent it.

In general it is not a good idea to have 2 different OzTeX versions
installed on the one Mac.  My advice is to stick to OzTeX 4 until
the final release of OzTeX 5 is available (hopefully in a few weeks),
then switch to it and remove OzTeX 4.



Subject: Re: TeXShop 1.17
From: "Juan Luis Varona Malumbres" <jvarona at>
Date: Sun, 10 Mar 2002 21:17:34 +0100

> Subject: [OS X TeX] TeXShop 1.17
> From: "Richard Koch" <koch at>
> Date: Thu, 7 Mar 2002 21:38:17 -0800
> Folks,
> TeXShop 1.17 is available at

> There have been complaints that bugs were fixed silently on the web
> without changing the program version number. As you see, I'm trying to
> reform.

Thanks a lot, Dick,

But a would like a small problam to be fixed. I try to explain:
When you "typeset" with a TeXShop, you get a pdf.
In the pdf window, you can scroll the page up and down (with the scrrol 
But, after the scroll, some parts are not updated in the screen.

However, it is updated if you make click en the magnificaton number
(it is not necessary to change it, only to make click).

So, I suposse that, in the source code, you forgot to update
the pdf window after to use scroll, or something similar.

Actually, it does not always happens. For me, the best way to
see this problem is to use several
$$ \sum_{....} ...... $


Juan Luis


Juan L. Varona
Dept. Mathematics and Computation
University of La Rioja
26004 Logroño, Spain

jvarona at


Subject: Re: [OS X TeX] batch convert eps to pdf using epstopdf
From: "Piet van Oostrum" <piet at>
Date: 09 Mar 2002 12:37:59 +0100

>>>>> Martin Costabel <costabel at> (MC) writes:

MC> Hanspeter Schaub wrote:
>> Thanks for pointer.  However, I can't seem to get it to work.  In a
>> terminal I type as you suggest below, but I get
>> hp% foreach f (*.eps)
>> foreach -> epstopdf $f
>> foreach -> done
>> foreach ->

MC> foreach is ended by 'end', not by 'done'. The latter is bash-speak. In
MC> bash you would say

MC> $ for f in *.eps; do epstopdf $f; done

Sorry, I meant to say end (I even tried it out to prevent me to type
someting illegal), and still managed to put done in the message. I am not a
*csh fan (that is an understatement).
Piet van Oostrum <piet at>
Private email: P.van.Oostrum at


Subject: Alpha 8 beta
From: "Michael Murray" <mmurray at>
Date: Sun, 10 Mar 2002 00:23:24 +1030

For all the Alpha addicts there is a beta of Alpha 8 available
and you can find it by following the links from

Its a Classic application of course but it has some nice
features in particular it now uses the Mac OS 9 open/save
dialogues which are expandable.

Apologies if this has been announced before.

Assoc/Prof Michael Murray
Department of Pure Mathematics       Fax: 61+ 8 8303 3696
University of Adelaide             Phone: 61+ 8 8303 4174
Australia  5005      Email: mmurray at
Home Page:
PGP public key:


Subject: Re: [OS X TeX] batch convert eps to pdf using epstopdf
From: "Hanspeter Schaub" <HanspeterSchaub at>
Date: Sun, 10 Mar 2002 14:33:53 -0700

Thanks for all the feedback on doing batch eps->pdf conversions.  I've got 
a small shell script now running that does this for me.

blue skies,

Hanspeter Schaub


Subject: TUG 2002: `Stand up and be proud of TeX!'
From: "Wendy McKay" <wgm at>
Date: Sun, 10 Mar 2002 13:40:34 -0800 (PST)

and for this list:

		"Stand up and be proud of TeX on the  Mac"

Dear Mac OS TeX Users.

There is a plan underway to put Mac software like TeXshop, tetex etc. on 
the TeXLive CD.

The programming committee for TUG2002, Kerala India would
welcome  good Mac talks, and would be thrilled if some of you would 
participate at this meeting.
If you  can contribute a paper to this conference and spread the good
news about all the successful development and future plans for
TeX under MacOS X, please contact the programming  committee via the 
webpage listed below.  

BTW, TUGindia has provided a lovely set of tutorials on
and work is being done on other chapters.
You might like to visit the country where such work is being done
and meet other TeXees from other parts of the world.

Happy TeXing on the Mac.
Wendy McKay
TUG board member

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Sat, 9 Mar 2002 21:38:01 +0000
From: Sebastian Rahtz <sebastian.rahtz at>

I am very sure that some of you would really enjoy
coming to TUG 2002 in India this autumn.
It is happening in Trivandrum between 1st and 7th September,
and is all explained I can
assure you from personal experience that this is a truly
beautiful part of the world!

It isn't too late to offer a paper for the conference.
Just drop me a line with your idea, and help make this
a great meeting!
Sebastian Rahtz      TUG2002 Programmme Chair.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Sat, 9 Mar 2002 14:36:12 +0530 (IST)
From: Radhakrishnan C V <cvr at>
Reply-To: tuglist at
To: TUGIndia Mailing List <tuglist at>
Cc: FSF India <fsf-india at>
Subject: [Tuglist] TUG 2002: further call for papers

Followup call for papers --

TUG 2002 Annual Meeting and Conference
September 1-7, Trivandrum, India

Even though the official deadline has passed, there is still
time to submit a proposal for a paper to be presented at the
most exciting TeX event of 2002, the international conference of
TeX Users Group is scheduled to be conducted in India during
September 1--7, 2002 at Park Center, Technopark, Trivandrum,

The theme for TUG 2002 is `Stand up and be proud of TeX!'.  Show
us why it is still the typesetting tool of choice, the range of
material it can handle, and especially how it can coexist with
the new world of XML. We want to hear about

    * using TeX to typeset XML
    * multilingual typesetting using Omega
    * high-quality hyperdocuments using pdfTeX
    * fonts for non-Latin languages
    * new directions for Metafont and Metapost

Full conference details can be found at

Proposals for papers should be sent to papers at

We can accept proposals for a further two weeks (until the end
of March 2002), and will notify authors of the acceptance at the
end of that period.  Other dates are:

    * 12 April 2002: preliminary program available
    * May 2002: send first version of full paper
    * July 2002: send final version of full paper
    * 1st-3rd September 2002: Pre-conference tutorial
    * 4th-7th September 2002: TUG conference in India

Email addresses for contact:

   tug2002 at         -- General information
   papers at  -- Submission of papers
   finance at -- Financial matters
   travel at  -- Travel information
   media at   -- Media contact

For TUG 2002 Organising Committee

[please circulate this as widely as seems appropriate; in
particular, if you have membership mailing lists, please
consider forwarding this message, or a pointer to the conference
web site, to the list.]




Subject: iTeXMac icons and TeXShop
From: "Bruce D'Arcus" <bdarcus at>
Date: Sun, 10 Mar 2002 18:38:11 -0500

OK, this is rather trivial, but incredibly annoying nonetheless.  I once 
installed iTeXMac on my machine, which promptly colonized tex files by 
setting them to open with it instead of with TeXShop, and putting it's 
icon on each of those files as well.  Now, despite having deleted the 
damn thing from my system, I still find the same icon on every tex file 
I save with TeXShop.  How do I fix this (other than manually changing 
the icon on each file)?



Subject: Re: [OS X TeX] iTeXMac icons and TeXShop
From: "Matthias Damm" <m.damm at>
Date: Mon, 11 Mar 2002 01:05:34 +0100

> How do I fix this (other than manually changing
> the icon on each file)?

What happens if you re-set TeXShop as standard application for
.tex-documents (<any .tex file> -> Show Info -> Open with application ->
TeXShop -> Change all)?

This should also change the icons.

Matthias Damm <m.damm at>
PGP key available
"Ein Optimist, wer unsere Welt für die beste aller möglichen hält;
ein Pessimist, wer fürchtet, daß dies stimmt" - James Branch Cabell


Subject: Re: [OS X TeX] iTeXMac icons and TeXShop
From: "Holger Frauenrath" <mail at>
Date: Sun, 10 Mar 2002 18:08:00 -0600

On Sunday, March 10, 2002, at 05:38  PM, Bruce D'Arcus wrote:

> OK, this is rather trivial, but incredibly annoying nonetheless.  I once 
> installed iTeXMac on my machine, which promptly colonized tex files by 
> setting them to open with it instead of with TeXShop, and putting it's 
> icon on each of those files as well.  Now, despite having deleted the 
> damn thing from my system, I still find the same icon on every tex file I 
> save with TeXShop.  How do I fix this (other than manually changing the 
> icon on each file)?
> Bruce
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I had the same problem with the editor Pepper some time ago.

I think the following should work:

- Go to the Finder's "Get Info" for ONE of the files
- Select the tab "open with application", and choose "TeXShop"
- on the same tab, further below, choose "Change all", which applies the 
operation to all files with the same extension


Dr. Holger Frauenrath
Department of Materials and Life Sciences
2225 North Campus Drive
Northwestern University
Evanston, IL, 60208

Phone: (847) 491-5950
Fax: (847) 491-3010
Email: mail at


Subject: Re: [OS X TeX] iTeXMac icons and TeXShop
From: "Michael Murray" <mmurray at>
Date: Mon, 11 Mar 2002 10:38:08 +1030

>OK, this is rather trivial, but incredibly annoying nonetheless.  I 
>once installed iTeXMac on my machine, which promptly colonized tex 
>files by setting them to open with it instead of with TeXShop, and 
>putting it's icon on each of those files as well.  Now, despite 
>having deleted the damn thing from my system, I still find the same 
>icon on every tex file I save with TeXShop.  How do I fix this 
>(other than manually changing the icon on each file)?
>To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to <info at> with
>"unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body.
>For additional HELP, send email to <info at> with
>"help" (no quotes) in the body.

Hi Bruce

I think that it should be enough to go to one file called something.tex and
in the Finder do File > Show Info There is a menu saying General Information
click on that and select Open with application. Set it to TeXShop and
do the change all option.

If that doesn't work go into ~Library/Preferences and delete the files


and log out and log in again.  This last trick is supposed to be the
OS X equivalent of rebuilding the desktop.

Assoc/Prof Michael Murray                                                   
Department of Pure Mathematics       Fax: 61+ 8 8303 
University of Adelaide             Phone: 61+ 8 8303 4174       
Australia  5005      Email: mmurray at             
Home Page:
PGP public key:


End of MacOSX-TeX Digest

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