[OS X TeX] Glossary did not work ?!?
Herb Schulz
herbs at wideopenwest.com
Sun Apr 24 13:00:28 EDT 2005
On 4/24/05 10:55 AM, "Ueliisa" <ueliisa at gmx.net> wrote:
> Thanks all together
> very interesting to learn about TeX works - the other side of
> i-installer - it manage everithing for me so I did not know ablut all
> ...
> Now it is evrething in his place under:
> /usr/local/teTeX/share/texmf.local/tex/latex/ folder (source, doc,
> glossary.sty ....)
> And used
> sudo texhash
> And restart my mac ...
> but there is still something wrong !?!
> - every entry that I do makes an error:
> DVD \glossary{name=DVD} % <<== it seems to be ok but no output in
> glossary
> Erde \glossary{Erde} % <<== !Package keyval Error: Erde undefind.
> Velo \glossary{name={Hut}, description={traegt man auf dem Kopf}}
> % <<== !Package keyval Error: description undefind.
> - the newacronym seems to work but no output in glossary
> \newacronym{SVM}{support vector machine}{name=Support Vector Machine
> (SVM),description=Statistical pattern recognition
> technique~\cite{svm}}
> - in the .glo File are all entries listed so it looks good
> - NO Glossary Output But Index is OK
> is ther and other trick?
> Ueliisa
I haven't tried this but have you run, in Terminal, makeindex on the .glo
makeindex -s mydoc.ist -t mydoc.glg -o mydoc.gls mydoc.glo
as per the documentation? That should produce the mydoc.gls. Of course,
replace ``mydoc'' by your particular document's name (without the .tex
If you don't like doing that sort of thing and you're using TeXShop you can
make an engine that will do the job. Duplicate one of the engine files found
in ~/Library/TeXShop/Engines/. Open that in TeXShop and substitute the
following for the contents:
bfname=$(dirname "$1")/"`basename "$1" .tex`"
echo $bfname
makeindex -s "$bfname".ist -t "$bfname".glg -o "$bfname".gls "$bfname".glo
(note that the last lines, starting with makeindex should be on a single
line --- it might get broken by your e-mail program if it is too long). Save
that and name it makegloss.engine. Then when you process your document pass
it through pdflatex (LaTeX), MakeIndex, makegloss, pdflatex and finally
another pdflatex. You can choose the processing from the drop-down menu.
This seemed to work with the following file (adapted from your file with
corrections (e.g., added braces and eliminated some spaces after commas
inside \glossary{} commands --- see the file).
\newacronym{SVM}{support vector machine}{name=Support Vector Machine
(SVM),description=Statistical pattern recognition technique~\cite{svm}}
\newacronym[KSVM]{K-SVM}{kernel support vector machine}{name=Kernel
Support Vector Machine (K-SVM),description=Statistical pattern
recognition technique using
the ``kernel trick'' (see also SVM)}
DVD \index{DVD}
Erde \index{Erde}
Amerika \index{Erde!Amerika}
Europa \index{Erde!Europa}
Deutschland \index{Erde!Europa!Deutschland}
Sowjetunion \index{Erde!Europa!die ehemalige Sowjetunion ohne die
baltischen Staaten}
Sonne \index{Sonne}
DVD \glossary{name={DVD},description={}}
Erde \glossary{name={Erde},description={}}
Velo \glossary{name={Hut},description={traegt man auf dem Kopf}}
Sonne \glossary{name={Sonne},description={Zentraler Planet der uns
\glossary{name={singular matrix},description={A matrix with zero
\glossary{name={$\mathcal{U}$},description={The universal set},sort=U}
The \SVM\ is used widely in the area of pattern recognition.
\useacronym*[s]{SVM} are \ldots
The \KSVM\ is \ifthenelse{\boolean{SVMfirst}}{a}{an} \SVM\ that uses
the so called ``kernel trick''.
The \KSVM\ \ldots
Again, some longer \glossary entries will be split by your e-mail program
and should be restored to a single line.
Good Luck,
Herb Schulz
(herbs at wideopenwest.com)
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