[OS X TeX] TeXShop typesetting and macro questions

Peter Dyballa Peter_Dyballa at Web.DE
Tue Oct 3 11:55:55 EDT 2006

Am 03.10.2006 um 16:07 schrieb Chris Goedde:

>> Second, TeXShop uses "engines" (little tcsh scripts) to *tex a  
>> document.
> My understanding (which is what I originally wrote) is that TeXShop  
> is calling pdfetex directly (or via a symlink)  and with the -- 
> shell-escape option when I typeset something, and that no engine or  
> shell script is involved. (I'm talking about the default setup, and  
> using pdftex, not tex+dvips+gs here.) As far as I can see, that's  
> true. If there's a shell script involved, where is it, and what's  
> its name?

The simple default commands like latex or pdflatex are just built-in  
into TeXShop and are being executed by creating a sub-process in  
which the programme (command) runs. (The same could be done for xetex/ 
xelatex, too). Anything that deviates from these standard items can  
be solved by using an engine – and you can "bind" a source file to a  
particular engine or standard TeX command. I put these two things  
together since they are basically the same, a sub-process in which  
something UNIXy runs. And simpdftex, too, falls into this category.

Applescript scripts are completely different.



Windows, c'est un peu comme le beaujolais nouveau: à chaque nouvelle  
cuvée on sait que ce sera dégueulasse, mais on en prend quand même,  
par masochisme.

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