[OS X TeX] latexit issues

Jan Anderssen jan at linguist.umass.edu
Sat Jun 14 09:05:28 EDT 2008

Hi Derek

> Sorry about that. Firstly, I'm running the latest version of Latexit
> (1.15.0), which I got from the MacTex 2007 distribution (which I'm  
> also
> assuming is the latest). I'm running this on Leopard (10.5.3).

That's strange - I have the same environment (10.5.3 with Latexit  
1.15.0 and MacTex 2007 with all the default settings) and everything  
works out of the box.

It sounds like to already tested pretty thoroughly, so this is just a  

I noticed that you have a different path to pdflatex in your log file  
that I do. Did you see whether the path to pdflatex and the other  
programs in Latexit works, e.g.

- Note the paths from Latexit > Preferences > Composition tab
- Open Terminal.app and see whether you have binaries in these locations
	- ls -l /usr/texbin/pdflatex (the path I have) gives the following  
result here:
	  lrwxr-xr-x  1 root  wheel  6 May  5 05:25 /usr/texbin/pdflatex ->  
	- you could also try to see if that's the pdflatex you use on the  
command line by trying
	  which pdflatex
	(sorry if this is obvious.)


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