[OS X TeX] bibtex8 engine and %!TEX TS-program = XeLaTeX
Peter Dyballa
Peter_Dyballa at Web.DE
Wed Nov 12 07:44:00 EST 2008
Am 12.11.2008 um 11:46 schrieb Alex Hamann:
> Problem is that with the TS-program defined as written above my
> bibtex8 engine stopped working and it is overridden by the TS-
> program setting. As I said, this will not happen with normal
> bibtex. How should I modify my bibtex8 engine in order for it to
> work regardless of the TS-program definition?
TeXShop's preferences allow only to use bibtex or jbibtex. In its
preferences list an option *seems* to exist:
Since the value for the key BibtexCommand is a string, one could
assume that setting it to another value could succeed. So you might
try on the command-line:
defaults write TeXShop BibtexCommand <the name of your engine file>
If this fails you could rename your engine file to jbibtex and select
this BibTeX variant in the preferences. If TeXShop still fails to use
your script, then you'd need to install it in /usr/local/texlive/2008/
bin/universal-darwin as jbibtex ...
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