[OS X TeX] LaTeXiT producing blank output

Peter Dyballa Peter_Dyballa at Web.DE
Fri Apr 8 10:57:58 EDT 2011

Am 08.04.2011 um 02:28 schrieb Herbert Schulz:

> which is VERY different from the contents of the latexit-1-2.tex  
> that you put on line. I wish I knew what/where this is set up.

Me too! The process has become more difficult than the LaTeXiT Help  
displays. The SIZES file is only built in maths modes "Display" and  
"Inline" to determine the correction of the base line. I could see  
Perl and Ghostscript perform something... so it's possible that these  
two could as well produce the error.

OTOH, I've seen in Ken's files that dimensions are set to 0. I think  
this a behaviour LaTeXiT showed in earlier versions. Ken, could you  
try to first delete the application and then install it? By default, I  
think, you can have more than one LaTeXiT.app: one in /Applications,  
another one in /Applications/Utilities, and a third one in / 

I'd need some cold and unhealthy weather to stay at home (instead of  
on my Flevo-Bike), to study the application's code and draw a better  
plan of LaTeXiT's functioning. In four of five weeks the usual cold  
wave will come over us...



What is this talk of 'release?' Klingons do not make software  
'releases.'  Our software 'escapes,' leaving a bloody trail of  
designers and quality assurance people in its wake.

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